Apart from being a noble profession, nursing demands much dedication, Patience, Sacrifice, Responsibility, love and care for the sick persons and Commitment.Nurses are coming more and more to the frontline of a health care delivery, as the doctors are becoming specialized and spending much less time with patients.
The tasks they undertake are...
Bedside care to convalescing patients, administering medication orally and hypodermically, assisting physicians during examination and operation of patients. Assisting patients in personal care, Preparing patients for surgery. Maintaining patient’s treatment records, temperature, respiration, pulse rate, nourishment, progress etc. Observing patients condition closely reporting it to the physician. Overseeing the maintenance of cleanliness in the wards to check the spread of communicable diseases.
The career
Career in nursing can be flexible .You might choose to work in a hospital, nursing homes, rehabilitaion unit. You might work in a community health agency, federal health agency, at a school, in industry and business or in the military. Its specialities include surgery, emergency, paediatric, and psychiatric, school, publichealth, nurse midwives etc. Some specialities require further experience, study or certification.
There is a strong demand for nurses and their job possibilities are plentiful .Nurses are needed not only in hospitals but also in health care agencies; long-term care facilities such as nursing homes, care centers and in community health. With good skill, education, and training in nursing one can expect one of the highest starting salary .An expert have the potential to earn over $100,000 per year.
New trend in licensed nurses include combining other specialty skill to form new business, like nursing informatics (Combining nursing and computers), legal nurse consulting (combining nursing and law) etc.
For more information on nursing, visit…
The American Association of Colleges of Nursing:
SigmaThetaTau Honor Society of Nursing:
The Johnson & Johnson Company:
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