Group Discussion (GD) -Few Guidelines
Nowadays Group discussion has become the important part of job recruitment process. It plays a significant role in certain areas such as the recruitment of executives in corporate houses, selection of candidates for admission to business schools, and Services Selection Board interviews for enrolment of commissioned officers in the defence forces.
Objective: The main aim to conduct a GD is to assess their communication skills and the knowledge in current affairs. More than that they assess personality traits such as teamwork,leadership,assertiveness,honesty, boldness loyalty, liveliness and creativity
How they test you?
- It involves grouping a set of candidates by giving them a topic and give sometime for them to prepare, then candidates have to discuss on the given topic. Usually it would be a topic of public interest.
-On certain occasions the candidate may not be given time to prepare. so they have to be ready for the show .
-Another interesting variation is case study methodology .The case study tries to simulate a real life situation. The group will be required to give a solution.
Usually the discussion conducted for 15 -20 minutes. The panel of examiners won't share anything to the group, however they evaluate who is actually spoken and the non-verbal signs are also perceived. Usually one member among the group begins the discussion. and the others gradually share their opinion .There is no strict rule in holding a discussion and no restriction that how long a member should speak.
DOs during GD
-You should be clear logical and make a meaningful contribution. For that you should have an adequate knowledge of the topic. Whatever you say, it has relevance to the topic.
-If possible try to be the first speaker. but remember that the first impression is the best impression Undertake this task ,if you have some meaningful points. Begin with a neutral introduction to the topic.
-Maintain eye contact and straight comfortable posture. Avoid staring. If you are not speaking, look at he person who is and give a positive signals like nodding the head. Suppose the discussion is going out of the track try to bring it back by giving new dimension.
-Modulate your voice .Ensure that you don't sound rude. Be careful about the pich,volume and intonation
DON'Ts during GD
-Always bear in mind that it is a discussion ,not an argument. There should not be any 'heated exchange' between the group members.
-Not to speak too much as others need to be given an opportunity to speak as well.
-Don't stare at the floor or look at the panel while you are speaking. Always remember that it is a discussion within the group.
-Be confident and the best way to do well is to remain focused on your strengths. Then you can make it.
How to prepare??
-Read the newspapers and business magazines regularly, spare some time to look at various events. Improve your knowledge of current affairs. While reading make your opinion based on facts get in to the habit of discussing with your friends.
-While discussing observe your clarity of communication, ability to change your opinion, your way of listening .Learn to know how to control your emotions and how to respect others.
-Attend mock GD session with people whom you don't know.