For common communication……….
Maintain good posture. Sitting up straight will make you look alert and capable. Fidgeting with your feet or hands makes you look nervous, so keep your feet flat on the floor and your hands quietly in your lap or resting on the chair arms.
Keep up the distance between you and the person with whom you're speaking. means not so close and not too far.
We tend to angle our body towards those people we find friendly or interesting, and angle away from those we feel are cold or unfriendly.
Crossing your arms over your chest shows defensiveness.
Eye Contact is one of the most important ways to communicate with others. Looking them in the eye shows respect and interest. but do not stare at them. Someone whose eyes are downcast, not looking you in the eye could be exhibiting signs of shyness, or it could be deceit.
Head position says a lot. In order to show confidence or authority, simply keep your head level. This says,"my words are important". To show friendliness and interest in what the other person is saying, tilt your head slightly.
The handshake plays a role in communication. No one expect a ‘ cold handshake; at the same time, a handshake needn't be a contest of strength.
Remember to be relaxed during an interview, your hands on either sides in front of you and maintain positive eye contact. Do not be over casual and lean right back on your chair, but position yourself in such a way that you face the person directly and show a keen interest.
Standing with your hands in your pockets suggests a lack of confidence or uneasiness.
Sitting with legs crossed while shaking one leg or twisting a foot Suggests nervousness or severe discomfort.
Staring blankly at the floor suggests a profound lack of interest in the Conversation.
Rubbing or touching your nose during a response suggests that you're not being completely honest.
Rubbing the back of your head or neck suggests you're bored by the conversation.
Pointing your feet toward the door or leaning in that direction suggests that you want to end the conversation quickly and want to run away from them.