Career Zone

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Importance of body language in interviews.

Body language is the outspoken communication, we all use in every face-to-face encounter.93% of our communication is non-verbal only 7% has to do with words. We all know that we cannot change our race, gender and height; the only thing under your control is our appearance and our body language. Here comes the Importance of body language in interviews.

Determining and regulating your own body language could well mean the difference when it comes to job interviews, meetings, banquets and business dinners, or even a social occasion. Your body language can have a positive or negative influence in the way people treat you. Many people put much stress on their verbal skills for an interview, but little consideration to their body language, that's a mistake. One study found that, a first impression is based on 7 per cent spoken words, 38 per cent tone of voice and 55 per cent body language."

For common communication……….

Maintain good posture. Sitting up straight will make you look alert and capable. Fidgeting with your feet or hands makes you look nervous, so keep your feet flat on the floor and your hands quietly in your lap or resting on the chair arms.

Stooping is regarded as lazy and disrespectful. Stooping in the chair suggests you're unprepared for the interview, or, you know you're not up to the task.

Use your hands for expressing your views, it shows a certain level of confidence in the subject you're talking. Use your hands to roll out your answers or give shape to your ideas.

Keep up the distance between you and the person with whom you're speaking. means not so close and not too far.

We tend to angle our body towards those people we find friendly or interesting, and angle away from those we feel are cold or unfriendly.

Crossing your arms over your chest shows defensiveness.

Eye Contact is one of the most important ways to communicate with others. Looking them in the eye shows respect and interest. but do not stare at them. Someone whose eyes are downcast, not looking you in the eye could be exhibiting signs of shyness, or it could be deceit.

Head position says a lot. In order to show confidence or authority, simply keep your head level. This says,"my words are important". To show friendliness and interest in what the other person is saying, tilt your head slightly.

The handshake plays a role in communication. No one expect a ‘ cold handshake; at the same time, a handshake needn't be a contest of strength.

Remember to be relaxed during an interview, your hands on either sides in front of you and maintain positive eye contact. Do not be over casual and lean right back on your chair, but position yourself in such a way that you face the person directly and show a keen interest.

How some basic body language will be perceived…

Standing with your hands in your pockets suggests a lack of confidence or uneasiness.

Sitting with legs crossed while shaking one leg or twisting a foot Suggests nervousness or severe discomfort.

Staring blankly at the floor suggests a profound lack of interest in the Conversation.

Rubbing or touching your nose during a response suggests that you're not being completely honest.

Rubbing the back of your head or neck suggests you're bored by the conversation.

Pointing your feet toward the door or leaning in that direction suggests that you want to end the conversation quickly and want to run away from them.

Resources for research work (Part ii)
(Continuation of 'Resources for research work')

Medical and Health

New England Journal of Medicine
National Institutes of Health,,
American Hospital Directory
Department of Health National Research Register
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Data and Statistics,

The Complete Work of Charles Darwin
USGS Real-Time Water Data
USGS Earthquake Hazards Program Recent Earthquake Activity
IEEE Publications

Law and Politics

Bureau of Justice Statistics
FindLaw ,
THOMAS (Library of Congress)
Office of Postsecondary Education Security Statistics

Global Legal Information Network
Law Library of Congress
The Avalon Project at Yale Law School

Lobbying Database
Legislative Activities

Have a Good Day.......

Monday, November 13, 2006

Resources for research work (Part 1)

A researcher looking for information sources related to a subject, however good he is with search engines, may not be able to collect all the relevant links with a single query. We occasionally face some difficulties like broken links, outdated pages, inaccurate information etc.These limitations of search engines have led to the creation of alternative search tools and `subject guides' .

What are ‘Subject guides’ ?

These are the web portals that guide the users to appropriate web locations by subjects and there is little chance of the presence of dead or irrelevant links. The significance of subject guide is that, specialists create it and its content will be more authentic and relevant compared to the search engine results.

Certain subject guides on various topics…….
Google, the largest search database on the planet, currently it has around eight billion web pages indexed. Its services like google scholar deserves special mention.If you want to gather much more, that is invisible part of the web, then you have to go for specialty search engines. Here I mention some of that kind.

Deep Search engines
Try using a search engine that specializes in scouring the invisible web for results. None of these can search the entire invisible web.

Clusty,Intute,Infomine,Librarians' Internet Index
Certain other resources.

General Research

The subscription-based databases will help intensify any research by scouring
Numerous journals.

Education Resources Information Center (ERIC) ,
Xrefer .

Books Online

There are tens of thousands of classic books with full text available online for free. Even some authors books are available in full text form.

The Online Books Page,

To be continued........

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Overview of Emotional intelligence and its value at work
Emotional Intelligence, also called EI and often measured as an Emotional Intelligence Quotient or EQ, Emotional quotient seeks to measure a person’s ability, capacity or skill to perceive, assess and manage one’s self, of others and of group.

History behind the term ‘Emotional intelligence’
Earlier when psychologist refers intelligence to cognitive aspects such as memory and problem solving. However there were researchers who recognized the non-cognitive aspects are also important for the consideration of one’s intelligence. Surveys conducted by EQ experts showed that there is an intelligence based on emotion, and people who have this capacity are less depressed, healthier and more employable and have better relationships.

In the early 1990’s John Mayer and Peter Salovey introduced the term ‘Emotional Intelligence’ (EI). However concept really gained popularity in 1995 when psychologist Daniel a Goleman wrote his book ‘emotional intelligence why it can matter more than IQ’

Daniel Goleman says emotional intelligence has five emotional competencies (Emotional competence refers to the personal and social skills that lead to superior performance in the world of work)

-To identify and name one’s emotional states and to understand the link between emotion, thought and action.

-To manage one’s emotional states to control one’s emotions or to shift undesirable emotions to more adequate ones

-To enter in to emotional states associated with a drive to achieve and be successful.

-To enter and sustain satisfactory interpersonal relationship.

-To read, be sensitive to and influence other people’s emotions.

Now EI has much significance not only in one’s work life but also in one’s personal life. It is an excellent indicator of individual and group success in a corporate environment. Emotional intelligence has become the hottest buzzword in corporate America. Most of the organizations not only consider IQ but also EQ level. The ability to manage feelings and handle stress is another aspect of emotional intelligence that has been found to be important for success. Empathy is a particularly important aspect of emotional intelligence, and researchers have known for years that it contributes to occupational success.

So, would you like to test your EQ?

Suggestions to develop your EQ

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Interview Tips( part ii)

A .Questions, you can ask to the interviewer……..

At the end of an interview,there will arise a question – you want to ask us anything?It is unwise to say ‘no’. This is your chance to show your enthusiasm in getting a job in that firm/company.You should be very careful in formulating your questions.Asking about the holiday,pay benefits and questioning the business decision would certainly create a bad impression.

Here are some of the question ,you can ask to the interviewer …..

Can you describe a typical day?
What training do you offer?
I read about your new plans/new product, can you tell me more about that?
What are the best things about working here?
When can I expect to hear your decision?


B. How to manage some of the tricky questions in interviews?

This is meant for the beginners and it is an attempt to make oneself familiar with the most frequently asked questions in various interviews. A candidate who have not prepared for these type of question may waste his precious time by narrating irrelevant things.

Tell us about yourself (most frequently asked questions.)

Don’t waste time by narrating your early life, but focus on your academic achievements or professional accomplishments. Highlight your knowledge and skill, which meet the demand. Convince the interview board that you are the best, suited for the job. At any instance, you should not exaggerate .Let the interview board come to a conclusion.

Why do you want this job?

It is an opportunity to highlight our knowledge and skills are a perfect match, for the job we have applied for…

What are your long-term aims?

We all know that ambition is a good quality. So don’t hold back, but highlight your aims, which have some relevance to the job.

What are your strengths/weaknesses?

Strength-It is important that, your strengths mentioned have some relevance to the job.we may indicate activities like computation, innovative design, drawing skethes,tending the sick etc…Don’t be too general like “I am honest “or “I am hardworking”.

Weakness-Don’t say “I am lazy, selfish or jealous” and don’t mention that you have no weaknesses. Instead of that you may say some ‘Positive’weaknesses, (it may sound like a weakness, but in the ultimate analysis a source of strength). For eg.You say , I would like to have more skills in xxxx area

to be continued……….

‘Montessori teaching’-A challenging career

Today ,parents are well aware of the benefits of a suitable environment for the social emotional and intellectual development of their children. It has become a trend to get children trained in a Montessori for formal schooling. That is why this field is slowly acquiring a professional approach.

History behind the evolution of Montessori method of teaching

Montessori system of education was first innovated by Dr. Maria Montessori. It was the more liberal approach of her mother,Renilde Montessori that encouraged Maria Montessori to explore her natural inclination to learn, regardless of the social restrictions placed on women in the male -dominated society of the day. Renilde played an active role in her daughter's upbringing. The whole philosophy behind the development of her child was later known as Montessori method

Aims and objectives

Montessori programmes aim to help children reach their full potential in all areas of life. Specially montessory trained teachers, guide and help the child to experience the joy of learning and ensure the development of self-esteem. The system simply provides the experiences, from which children create their own knowledge. In the class room specially trained teachers prepares an environment that allow the child to explore the information from the world.There are specially designed learning materials and furniture that speed the learning process by increasing the creativity in children.

Career prospects

Montessori teaching is a rewarding career. One of the great advantages of this is that, both Parties ( techers and the children) are getting benefited by this method..Moreover it is a career, which offers maximum job satisfaction for those enthusiastic/sincere/hardworking teachers ,because they are working for a better world, a better future and a better tomorrow. Once a person gets enough training in Montessori method of teaching, He/she will definitely enjoy the carefully selected materials, thoughtfully sequenced lesson, extensive curriculum and joyful class room environment.

For more details ..

Thursday, September 28, 2006

How to Handle Telephone Interviews?
(Part ii)

Once you have set up all the arrangements and ready for a call, you should keep in mind that it is crucial. Never take it so lightly. When the expected call comes, never start with a ‘hello’ Give your name enabling the caller to confirm your identity, the other side of the phone will tell you who he is. Wish them appropriately with a good morning, Good afternoon, or good evening.

As it is a part of recruitment process, try to establish a good rapport with the interviewer at the earliest. Be calm and enthusiastic; do not bring down the dialogue to a personal level. Ensure that the clarity of the voice is not lost. Do not talk too loudly. Most of us believe that we are better of being unseen but that is not true. It means that you have to be more particular in your responses. Since the caller cannot see you, your seriousness of purpose has to be conveyed by the tone of your voice.

Other vital aspects.

A good telephone conversation is indeed an art. It calls for considerable skill. The best way to learn this ‘art’ by means of participating enough mock sessions over the phone, talking to a friend. At the end of session, ask him to tell you whether you sound arrogant or confident or diffident .You can make improvement by getting the feed back.

Do not interrupt the interviewer; do not hurry up to give an answer before he completes the question. Never give raise to an occasion where there is simultaneous speech from both ends. If at all such a situation occurs allow the interviewer to continue. If the interviewer doesn’t understand a word, use a synonym if possible, if it does not work, spell the word.

Do not say ‘hello’ during conversation, need not prefix or suffix your sentence
with ‘Sir’. Take care to speak distinctly, slowly, clearly and confidently.

Try to keep the answer short and to the question asked. Suppose you go on answering, you may miss something important that the interviewer is looking for. If possible indicate specific facts including the right names and numbers. This shows your appreciation of precision and accuracy.

Whenever some words of encouragement are heard, do not hesitate to thank the interviewer. Suppose you are asked about your expected salary, do not tell a figure. Instead of that you may suggest- normally you would be agreeable to fall in line with the company norms that are in tune with the prevailing market rates, your qualification, experience, and skills.

You may collect a call back number (number of the interviewer). It will be helpful on certain occasions and be able to resume the conversation.

When you feel that the conversation is going to close and you could not figure out some of the vital information about your achievement. You could briefly introduce it by telling, “Perhaps you would be interested to know that….”

A perfect finish......

Now it is time to finish. Ending the call to be done carefully Let the interviewer hang up the phone; you hang up there after.

Do not forget to thank the interviewer for having spared time for you. You may enquire about the next step in the process such as face-to-face interview .If there is, enquire about the possible date time and venue

Interview should preferably end in a positive note, indicating your association with the company.

After the interview ,do send a “thank you” letter to the interviewer.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Company Secretary -An upcoming career option.

A company secretary is a professional whose role in a corporate set up is that of an advisor for legal matters. A company secretary acts as a vital link between company and board of directores, shareholders, government and regulatory agencies. After the globalization of services, the field is opening in various countries for practicing Company Secretaries as well. Many Company Secretaries are already working in various countries like the US, Canada, UK, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, New Zealand, Middle-east, Africa, etc.
Duties and responsibilities.

It will depend on the size of the company he/she is working with. The nature of work a company engaged in, will also affect the type of services a company secretary required to provide. In addition to his/her secretarial duties, a company secretary is responsible for carrying out finance, accounts, and legal administrative and personal functions.

Their other responsibilities include incorporation, managing public issues, act as an internal legal advisor, maintain companies records, take care of companies tax planning, tax management, tax returns, explore expanse opportunities, arrange collaboration. The job also involves arranging company meeting. More over they are required to understand the relevant aspects of law and update themselves with the changes. It is the moral responsibility of a company secretary to be loyal to his organization on knowing their plans and secrets.

Job Prospects

A qualified company secretary has openings in Employment and as a Practicing Independent Professional. Companies with a paid up share capital of Rs.2 crores or more are compulsorily required to appoint a whole-time Company Secretary.

What a 'CS'can offer to IT and ITES

Curriculum in CS makes himself suitable to work with IT and IT enabled services. Knowledge in foreign collaboration and joint venture agreements as well as intellectual property rights enable him to add value to IT or BPO industry .As they are well versed in ‘LAW ‘, they have a better scope in KPO industry (Knowledge process Outsourcing-An Industry of the future). Like technical experts company secretaries need continuous up gradation of their knowledge and skills depending on the requirement.

As compared to other managerial staff company secretary command very high salary.Remuneration depends on the qualification and experience.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Resume Tips.

Resume is a self-promotional document, which presents one in a best possible way for the purpose of getting invited to a job interview. Making a good Resume is an art. You can create a resume that makes you stand out as a superior candidate for a job. It is likely that a well –written resume of yours is more often invited for an interview than many people qualified than you. So in order to gain, you must present it in an impressive manner. We can say that, a Resume is an advertisement of oneself. You are selling yourself to an employer. So you must highlight, what are the benefits they get if they select you? So sell yourself carefully.

Never think of your resume as a history of your past, (though we mention our past job history) some sort of self-expression, or as a personal statement. Most of the people write a resume so reluctantly, just for the sake of having one. Unless you have the intention to impress the employer, you won’t succeed in this process
Certain points to be noted…

You must be careful in adding hobbies in to your resume. It should have some relevance to the job. Suppose you have been called for the interview, they may enquire further on this topic. So do not make any dishonest claims.

Suppose you are on the process of learning or gaining one more degree .You must mention it like graduate studies in xxxxxxxxxxxx in progress. Or xxxxxxxx degree anticipated month/year...

You should go back in your work history preferably for about 10 to 15 years unless your golden days are further back.

If you are over 40,50 years of age, .you don’t have to mention your entire work history. To avoid age discrimination, you mention that part of your resume as ‘RECENT WORK HISTORY’ or ‘RELEVENT WORK HISTORY’ then describe only your last 10-15 years of your experience. Still more relevant thing beyond 15 yrs need to be mentioned as ‘PRIOR RELEVENT EXPERIENCE’.

If you have some GAPS in your work experience. Don’t leave it like that. Write it out (even if it is unpaid).
For e.g.
2000-2003Full-time parent,
2003-2004Full-time student,
Maternity leave and family management.
Parenting and social service etc.

You may have to modify your CV as per the nature of the job in various organization you have applied for. Update your resume regularly.

Point out your qualification and experience in the reverse order. (Ie highest qualification comes first)

Confirm that your draft has no error in spelling.


Use good quality white paper.

Do not fill up the page with so many irrelevant things, Elimination of unimportant details is as important as including details.

Never submit a hand written CV, unless the employer asks you to do so.

Make the layout neat and easy to read. Use tables so that the employer can quickly note the details.