At present, the so-called ‘SYNTHESPIANS’ or DIGITAL ACTORS are ruling the entire world of cinema. Photography and animation have major contribution to film advertising, television and gaming industry. Besides this, the potential of this medium extends to diverse field ranging from aeronautics, robotics, reverse engineering, fashion and research. But in developing countries animation industry is still in infancy but they provide a base for outsourcing. Most of animation projects are being done in developing countries, as the total production costs are much less compared to developed countries. Eg. For making a full-length animation movie in America, it costs around $100-$175 million while it is not more than $15-$25 million in developing countries.
The team and the work sequence.
Every Project has ……
-A main lead animator who draws the main character, its movement and expressions.
-Clean-up artist fills up the intermediate gaps that left by the lead animator.
-Further there are junior artist, lay out artist, background artist and character designers.
Animation process begins with preparation of a storyboard, which provides the visual script for the animation sequence.
Modeling- it is used to convert real objects to animated ones by optically scanning them and converting them in to digital form.
Scripting/movement control -It involves manipulation of static images to give the illusion of moving pictures.
Rendering- is used to make the characters of the object to look lifelike by manipulating light, colour, texture, and transparency.
Skill set Required..
If you are looking to be hired as an animator rather than being self-employed, you should have a bachelor degree in media and fine arts. An animator must have excellent creative and artistic skills, a taste for drawing, sketching or caricaturing, In addition to this, a good sense of humour, good observation skills, patience, self –motivation followed by proficiency in handling current animation and multimedia software ie.ADOBE AFTER EFFECTS,MAYA ,3D STUDIO MAX,ANIMO,Flash gift animator, good compositing software like adobe photoshop,coraldrew. Etc.
Career outlook and salary
Many people are choosing this as their career option. Like any other field, there exist a tough competition. In order to excel in this field, one must prepare well by maximizing your qualification and skills that learn during the education period. According to US bureau of labor, salary range in animation industry is wide. However as you gain reputation by good skills and talented work, you can earn much more than an average salary.
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Lists of premiere institutions offering courses in India
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Lists of premiere institutions offering courses in India